Soulmate Algorithm — I.
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Man: Will you go out with me?
Woman: Yes! And then, I must reject you.
Man: WHAT??!
Woman: I must reject 100/e guys. That's 37.
Woman: Statistically,* the next one that's better than those 37 will be my soulmate.
Man: You're nuts! Good bye!
Woman: *Sigh.*
Woman: Mathematics is hard!
Foonote: *Secretary Problem algorithm.
Title: Soulmate Algorithm -- I.
Woman: Yes! And then, I must reject you.
Man: WHAT??!
Woman: I must reject 100/e guys. That's 37.
Woman: Statistically,* the next one that's better than those 37 will be my soulmate.
Man: You're nuts! Good bye!
Woman: *Sigh.*
Woman: Mathematics is hard!
Foonote: *Secretary Problem algorithm.
Title: Soulmate Algorithm -- I.